When a non-WNET API initial UNC connection attempt is made to a network resource from a system with multiple redirectors, The Windows NT system sends the request to the MUP to identify which redirector should handle the request.
The MUP first establishes whether DFS (Distributed File System) is in use and passes the request to DFS. The MUP then checks it's internal cache to see whether the connection had been made previously. (Entries in the MUP cache are held for 15 minutes) The MUP then sends the request to each redirector that handles each request synchronously and attempts to identify a resource on the network that matches the request. Once all redirectors return, the MUP chooses (based on response and priority) which redirector the application will use.
The delays come from two locations. First, the attempt to access the resource via DFS, secondly, the MUP must wait and accept all responses from all redirectors before completing the request. So if a resource is readily available and accessible over one redirector, the request must still be made over the other installed redirectors before the request completes.
Depending on the number of redirectors, protocols, and timer configurations for connectivity, these delays can exceed 13 seconds per initial connection.
The NetWare Redirector will be used as an example.
The following illustrates an initial UNC connection attempt:
Application makes UNC request
DFS is checked and request is processed if enabled.
MUP then checks MUP cache for recent connection.
MUP then makes query to first Redirector (NetWare) ---> First redirector returns (The return is immediate as NetWare uses only IPX and the calls are fast)
MUP sends request to second Redirector (Microsoft) ---> Second redirector returns (The delay for the Microsoft Redirector depends on the protocols installed. With TCP\IP delays exists as the resource name is queried via WINS, Broadcasts, LMHOSTS, DNS, etc. The default delay for an H-Node client is 13 seconds.) (A priority is assigned to each redirector queried so if both redirectors return successfully, the priority is used to designate which redirector takes the request.)
The handle to the resource is returned to the application based on the MUPs decision.
If the applications request was made for a NetWare resource, the application would have to wait for the Microsoft Redirector to timeout before returning the handle to the resource.
Priority for the redirectors can be configured in Control Panel\Network\Services\Network Access Order.