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Installation process cannot copy CDROM.NLM - TID2906932 (last modified 14JUL1997)
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INSTALL-4.10-5001; INSTALL-4.11-5001; An error occurred copying CDROM.NLM . Execution cannot continue.

The same error happens with aspicd.ddi. An error occurred copying ASPICD.DDI. Execution cannot continue.

A customer was installing NW4.10 and the installation process was failing when copying CDROM.NLM to the DOS partition.

The following is a listing of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.




CDROM device has the same name as a file that is copied during the install process.


This problem is not with INSTALL\NWNSTLL but with DOS. In DOS, if we provide a logical name to the DOS CDROM device driver by modifying the /D: option and if we use a DOS command having the same name or if the same name is passed in as a parameter, then the command fails.
Hence, the DOS front-end fails if the a logical name is provided for DOS cdrom driver and this matches with a filename INSTALL is trying to copy.


Renamed the CD ROM device from CDROM, or ASPICD, to CDROM_1 in both the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.

An SPD has been entered 113354 (fixed).

Document Title: Installation process cannot copy CDROM.NLM
Document ID: 2906932
Creation Date: 22APR1996
Modified Date: 14JUL1997
Document Revision: 3
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell Product and Version: NetWare 4.1
NetWare 4.11
NetWare 4.2
NetWare for Small Business 4.11


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