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How do I edit the NetWare Registry? - TID10069588 (last modified 18JUN2004)
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How do I edit the NetWare Registry?


Novell NetWare 6.0


The server registry (SERVCFG.000) is kept in C:\NWSERVER\SERVCFG.000 and SYS:\_NETWARE. On startup the DOS partition copy is read and used. Changes to the registry (ie: Set Parameters) when the server is online are stored on the SYS volume. When the CDBE (Configuration Database Engine) flushes the registry to disk (by default, every 30 seconds), it writes it to the copy on the SYS volume, when the server is DOWNed, the copy on the DOS partition is overwritten by the version on SYS.

You can manually force the registry to flush to disk with the 'FLUSH CDBE' console command.

You can view /edit the registry with the CDBE EDIT ON. It is a DOS like system within the registry file. Type "h" for the help screen. 

To back up the registry type "Save <path>" at the registry prompt and to restore a registry file type "load <path>" at the registry prompt.  When exporting the registry it will export the level you are at and below.  For example if you are at the lowest point in the registry it will only export the key and its values.

You can recreate keys with the desired contents by using the 'mk' command. In this example I will recreate the HTTPSTK Debug screen registry key:

It is important to remember that when you are creating keys (or using some other commands in the Registry Editor) that you use quotation marks for keynames with spaces in them.


First, either on this server or another known good server, browse to the key with dir statements.

cd my server\protocols\http (this will take you directly to the key in question, you could also use a series of 'dir' statements just like dos).

DIR to find the key we are interested, in this case we are interested in one called 'Debug Screen". Observe the 'TYPE' of key, in this case a 'REG_DWORD'.

TYPE the contents of the key by using the following command line: type "Debug Screen" so you know what you want to enter into the replacement key on the server with the bad registry key.

DEL the key, in this case you would enter: DEL "debug screen".

MK the key, in this case you would enter: MK "Debug Screen" REG_DWORD 0 (note: the '0' is the value that you want to place in the key).

DIR to ensure that the key has been correctly inserted (it will appear at the bottom of the list). If you didn't see it, check to make sure that you used your quotation marks, if you didn't you will get a key called 'debug'.

EXIT the editor.

Another (easier) solution is to use the undocumented switch on PORTAL.NLM to edit the registry.

This can be done by the following steps:

Unload Portal and all NLMs that depend on it.

Reload Portal with the '/regedit' argument.

Open a new Session to Portal/NRM in your browser and select the option to edit the registry.

You will now be able to edit key values without the delete/recreate required in the CDBE editor.

You will also be able to create new keys.


Customer could not get NRM working to enable the HTTPSTK Debug Screen.

Document Title: How do I edit the NetWare Registry?
Document ID: 10069588
Solution ID: NOVL75522
Creation Date: 29MAR2002
Modified Date: 18JUN2004
Novell Product Class: NetWare


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