Process works as designed when using a Windows 95/98 or NT.
Try to add a new print driver using the Windows 2000 workstation.
Browse for printer drivers doesn't work.
Browse button to Add Resources to NDPS Broker doesn't respond.
Can't browse to add new drivers in RMS database using Windows 2000
Add new drivers is greyed out when adding the driver to the broker from Windows 2000
There is an issue with the TLS Manager and W2k.
Launch NWAdmn32 with " /DISABLETLSMGR ".
You can edit the shortcut to NWAdmn32. Or you can do Start | Run | sys:\public\win32\NWAdmn32 /disabletlsmgr.
Document Title:
Windows 2000 can't add drivers to the NDPS
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Novell Product Class:
Management Products NetWare
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