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LPR Printing does not work after installing the client Service Pack. - TID10023992 (last modified 28NOV2000)
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Novell Client 3.1 for Windows 95/98

Novell Client 3.2 for Windows 95/98

Novell Client 4.6 SP2 for Windows NT

Novell Client 4.7 for Windows NT/2000

Formerly TID 2954451


LPR Printing does not work after installing the client Service Pack.

After installing the client Support Pack (SP1 or SP2, it doesn't matter) for the Novell Client 4.6 for Windows NT, the Microsoft TCP/IP Printing service is not working anymore.

Larger documents (> 2 MB) with graphics included will not be printed properly (the graphics are not printed properly).

The page containing the graphics is printed several times, the document is not printing completely.

The printing goes into a loop and the same pages are printing all the time.

This problem can also occur with Windows 95/98 and the Novell Client 3.1 for Windows 95/98 when using the LPR port functionality of the JetAdmin software from HP.


This problem appears to be the result of changes to the DPRPCW32.DLL 21APR1999 and later available in 9531SP1.EXE and NT46SP1.EXE and subsequent clients and service packs including the 3.2 & 4.7 client releases.  This is expected to be resolved by DPRPCW32.DLL and associated NDPS library files dated 15FEB2000 or later, which will be included in the 3.21 and the 4.71 client versions.

As a workaround, you can replace the DPRPCW32.DLL with the older file which was shipped with the original Novell Client 4.60 for Windows NT or Novell Client 3.1 for Windows 95/98 (DPRPCW32.DLL 08JAN1999).  For customers who are not using NDPS printing services, installing the Novell client without NDPS support will also avoid the issue.

To replace the file on Windows NT platforms, you will need to do the following :
- Go into Control Panel / Services and there stop the "Spooler" service.
- Go into the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory and rename the DPRPCW32.DLL to something else.
- Copy the "old" DPRPCW32.DLL from the original 4.6 client installation directory into the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory (use the Windows NT EXPAND utility to extract the dprpcw32.dl_ file).
- Go back into Control Panel / Services and restart the "Spooler" service.

Document Title: LPR Printing does not work after installing
Document ID: 10023992
Solution ID: 1.0.45335044.2471660
Creation Date: 28DEC1999
Modified Date: 28NOV2000
Novell Product Class: NetWare
Novell eDirectory


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