When you issue the NSS HELP command at the server console, the following are parameters which you can use for NSS:
usage: NSS <options> Options: (are case insensitive, support unique abbreviations)
Module NSS ----------
Exit - Unload NSS and all of its modules.
Version - Display version information for NSS.
Modules - Display information about all of the modules loaded into NSS.
Help - Display this help information.
/? - Display this help information.
/(No)SkipLoadModules - If specified, skip the auto loading of the NSS support modules. [StartupOnly Value=OFF]
defaultNLMs - If specified, load only default NSS NLMs, and any additional LSS modules specified on the command line. [StartupOnly]
CD9660 - If specified, load only those modules essential for CD9660 support. [StartupOnly]
CDHFS - If specified, load only those modules essential for CDHFS support. [StartupOnly]
CDROM - If specified, load only those modules essential for CD9660 & CDHFS support. [StartupOnly]
DOSFAT - If specified, load only those modules essential for DOSFAT support. [StartupOnly]
UDF - If specified, load only those modules essential for UDF support. [StartupOnly]
zLSS - If specified, load only those modules essential for zLSS support. [StartupOnly]
noLSS - If specified, do not load any LSS module. [StartupOnly]
allLSS - If specified, load all the LSS modules. [StartupOnly]
NWPRV - If specified, load NWPRV and specify the LSS' that you want to load on the command line. [StartupOnly]
Menu - Start the NSS Configuration Menu.
Module mbCOMN -------------
Status - Display current NSS status information.
Volumes - Display all of the currently available NSS volumes.
/Activate= - Switch the given volumes to the ACTIVE state.
/Deactivate= - Switch the given volumes to the DEACTIVE state.
/Maintenance= - Switch the given volumes to the MAINTENANCE state.
/ForceActivate= - Force the given volumes to the ACTIVE state.
/VerifyVolume= - Verify the specified volumes physical integrity.
/RebuildVolume= - Rebuild the specified volumes.
/VerifyVolume - Select volumes from a menu and VERIFY their physical integrity.
/RebuildVolume - Select volumes from a menu and REBUILD them.
/AutoActivateVolume= - Places specified volumes in ACTIVE state at volume load time.
/AutoDeactivateVolume= - Leave specified volumes in DEACTIVE state at volume load time.
/AutoVerifyVolume= - Verify the specified volumes physical integrity at startup time.
/StorageAlarmThreshold= - Set the threshold (in megaBytes) for a low storage space warning. [Value=10 Range=0-1000000]
/StorageResetThreshold= - Set the threshold (in megabytes) to reset a low storage space warning. [Value=15 Range=0-1000000]
/(No)StorageAlertMessages - Turn ON/OFF sending of low storage messages to all users. [Value=ON]
/NameCacheSize= - Set the number of Name Cache entries. [StartupOnly Value=2111 Range=3-65521]
/(No)NameCache - Set the name caching ON or OFF. [StartupOnly Value=ON]
/NameCacheStats - Show name caching statistics.
/AuthCacheSize= - Set the number of Authorization Cache entries. [StartupOnly Value=1024 Range=16-50000]
/OpenFileHashShift= - Set the size of the Open File hash table (in powers of 2). [StartupOnly Value=11 Range=8-20]
/ClosedFileCacheSize= - Set the number of closed files that can be cached in memory. [StartupOnly Value=512 Range=1-100000]
/FileFlushTimer= - Set the Flush Time for modified open files in seconds. [Value=10 Range=1-3600]
/MinBufferCacheSize= - Set the minimum number of NSS Buffer Cache entries. [Value=512 Range=256-1048576]
/MinOSBufferCacheSize= - Set the minimum number of NetWare Buffer Cache entries. [Value=1024 Range=1024-1048576]
/BufferFlushTimer= - Set the Flush Time for modified cache buffers in seconds. [Value=1 Range=1-3600]
/(No)CacheBalance - Set the dynamic balancing of free memory for the NSS buffer cache ON or OFF. [StartupOnly Value=ON]
/CacheBalance= - Set what percentage of free memory NSS will use for its buffer cache. [Value=10 Range=1-99]
/CacheBalanceTimer= - Set the Cache Balance Timer in seconds. [Value=30 Range=1-3600]
/CacheStats - Show buffer caching statistics.
/Salvage= - Enable salvage of deleted files on the given volumes.
/NoSalvage= - Disable salvage of deleted files on the given volumes.
/numbonds= stuctures used internally in NSS to do ordered writed
If you need to define nss parameters at boot time (in NetWare 6 only):
server -z"parameter you want" , eg:
server -z"/namecachesize=xxxxx" server -z"/namecachesize=xxx /cachebalance=yy /numbonds=zzzzz"
alternatively create a file c:\nwserver\nssstart.cfg and put needed parameter into it as follows:
/namecachesize=xxx /cachebalance=yy /numbonds=zzzzz .