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NSS Command Line Options - TID10021097 (last modified 09APR2004)
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10021097 10021097 10021097

NSS Command Line Options


Novell NetWare 5.0

Novell NetWare 5.1

Novell NetWare 6.0

Formerly TID 2942349


When you issue the NSS HELP command at the server console, the following are parameters which you can use for NSS:

usage: NSS <options>
Options: (are case insensitive, support unique abbreviations)

Module NSS

Exit - Unload NSS and all of its modules.

Version - Display version information for NSS.

Modules - Display information about all of the modules loaded into NSS.

Help - Display this help information.

/? - Display this help information.

/(No)SkipLoadModules - If specified, skip the auto loading of the NSS support modules. [StartupOnly Value=OFF]

defaultNLMs - If specified, load only default NSS NLMs, and any additional LSS modules specified on the command line. [StartupOnly]

CD9660 - If specified, load only those modules essential for CD9660 support. [StartupOnly]

CDHFS - If specified, load only those modules essential for CDHFS support. [StartupOnly]

CDROM - If specified, load only those modules essential for CD9660 & CDHFS support. [StartupOnly]

DOSFAT - If specified, load only those modules essential for DOSFAT support. [StartupOnly]

UDF - If specified, load only those modules essential for UDF support. [StartupOnly]

zLSS - If specified, load only those modules essential for zLSS support. [StartupOnly]

noLSS - If specified, do not load any LSS module. [StartupOnly]

allLSS - If specified, load all the LSS modules. [StartupOnly]

NWPRV - If specified, load NWPRV and specify the LSS' that you want to load on the command line. [StartupOnly]

Menu - Start the NSS Configuration Menu.

Module mbCOMN

Status - Display current NSS status information.

Volumes - Display all of the currently available NSS volumes.

/Activate= - Switch the given volumes to the ACTIVE state.

/Deactivate= - Switch the given volumes to the DEACTIVE state.

/Maintenance= - Switch the given volumes to the MAINTENANCE state.

/ForceActivate= - Force the given volumes to the ACTIVE state.

/VerifyVolume= - Verify the specified volumes physical integrity.

/RebuildVolume= - Rebuild the specified volumes.

/VerifyVolume - Select volumes from a menu and VERIFY their physical integrity.

/RebuildVolume - Select volumes from a menu and REBUILD them.

/AutoActivateVolume= - Places specified volumes in ACTIVE state at volume load time.

/AutoDeactivateVolume= - Leave specified volumes in DEACTIVE state at volume load time.

/AutoVerifyVolume= - Verify the specified volumes physical integrity at startup time.

/StorageAlarmThreshold= - Set the threshold (in megaBytes) for a low storage space warning. [Value=10 Range=0-1000000]

/StorageResetThreshold= - Set the threshold (in megabytes) to reset a low storage space warning. [Value=15 Range=0-1000000]

/(No)StorageAlertMessages - Turn ON/OFF sending of low storage messages to all users. [Value=ON]

/NameCacheSize= - Set the number of Name Cache entries. [StartupOnly Value=2111 Range=3-65521]

/(No)NameCache - Set the name caching ON or OFF. [StartupOnly Value=ON]

/NameCacheStats - Show name caching statistics.

/AuthCacheSize= - Set the number of Authorization Cache entries. [StartupOnly Value=1024 Range=16-50000]

/OpenFileHashShift= - Set the size of the Open File hash table (in powers of 2). [StartupOnly Value=11 Range=8-20]

/ClosedFileCacheSize= - Set the number of closed files that can be cached in memory. [StartupOnly Value=512 Range=1-100000]

/FileFlushTimer= - Set the Flush Time for modified open files in seconds. [Value=10 Range=1-3600]

/MinBufferCacheSize= - Set the minimum number of NSS Buffer Cache entries. [Value=512 Range=256-1048576]

/MinOSBufferCacheSize= - Set the minimum number of NetWare Buffer Cache entries. [Value=1024 Range=1024-1048576]

/BufferFlushTimer= - Set the Flush Time for modified cache buffers in seconds. [Value=1 Range=1-3600]

/(No)CacheBalance - Set the dynamic balancing of free memory for the NSS buffer cache ON or OFF. [StartupOnly Value=ON]

/CacheBalance= - Set what percentage of free memory NSS will use for its buffer cache. [Value=10 Range=1-99]

/CacheBalanceTimer= - Set the Cache Balance Timer in seconds. [Value=30 Range=1-3600]

/CacheStats - Show buffer caching statistics.

/Salvage= - Enable salvage of deleted files on the given volumes.

/NoSalvage= - Disable salvage of deleted files on the given volumes.

/numbonds= stuctures used internally in NSS to do ordered writed

If you need to define nss parameters at boot time (in NetWare 6 only):

server -z"parameter you want" , eg:

server -z"/namecachesize=xxxxx"
server -z"/namecachesize=xxx /cachebalance=yy /numbonds=zzzzz"

alternatively create a file c:\nwserver\nssstart.cfg and put needed parameter into it as follows:


Document Title: NSS Command Line Options
Document ID: 10021097
Solution ID: 1.0.37496636.2389872
Creation Date: 05NOV1999
Modified Date: 09APR2004
Novell Product Class: NetWare


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